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By default, two types of project are supported: poetry and pipenv. New types can be added by enabling plugins which contain adapters for those project types.

A plugin is simply a Python module containing one or more subclasses of workspace.core.adapter.Adapter, which must implement its abstract methods.

Adding plugins

Expand the following to see an example plugin for Python projects using requirements.txt files:

import os
import shlex
import subprocess
from typing import Set, Tuple

import requirements
from workspace.core.adapter import Adapter

class RequirementsTXTAdapter(Adapter, name="requirementstxt"):
    def validate(self):
        """Attempt to parse the requirements."""
        _ = self._requirements

    def run_args(self, command: str) -> Tuple[str, dict]:
        """Get modified command and kwargs that should be used when running inside the project."""
        command, kwargs = super().run_args(command)

        venv_path = self._ensure_virtualenv()
        env = os.environ.copy()
        env["VIRTUAL_ENV"] = str(venv_path)
        env["PATH"] = f"{venv_path/'bin'}:{env['PATH']}"
        kwargs["env"] = env

        return command, kwargs

    def sync(self, include_dev: bool = True) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess:
        """Sync dependencies of the project."""
        command = ["pip", "install", "-r", "requirements.txt"]
        if include_dev:
            command.extend(["-r", "requirements-dev.txt"])

    def dependencies(self, include_dev: bool = True) -> Set[str]:
        """Get other workspaces this project depends upon."""
        deps = self._requirements["default"]
        if include_dev:
        results = set()
        for dep in deps:
            if dep.editable:
                path = (self._project.resolved_path / dep.path).resolve()
                project = self._project.root.get_project_by_path(path)
                if project:
        return results

    def _requirements(self):
        """Parse the requirements files."""
        return {
            "default": list(requirements.parse((self._project.resolved_path / "requirements.txt").read_text())),
            "dev": list(requirements.parse((self._project.resolved_path / "requirements-dev.txt").read_text())),

    def _ensure_virtualenv(self):
        """Ensure virtualenv exists."""
        venv_path = self._project.resolved_path / ".venv"
        if not (venv_path / "bin/python").exists():
  ["python", "-m", "venv", venv_path], check=True)
        return venv_path

Provided the above example is on the PYTHONPATH, it can be enabled using

workspace plugin add plugins.requirementstxt Added plugin plugins.requirementstxt. The following new project types are now available: - requirementstxt

Projects using requirements.txt files can then be added to the workspace.

Showing currently enabled plugins

The currently enabled plugins can be shown using:

workspace plugin list plugins.requirementstxt

Disabling plugins

Plugins can be disabled using:

workspace plugin remove plugins.requirementstxt Removed plugin plugins.requirementstxt.


Ensure that no projects use types enabled by a plugin before disabling it, or the workspace will not be able to interact with the project.